EIK Norge AS

This code of conduct formalizes the key principles related to expected business practice and conduct of EIK Norge AS ("Eik" or "Group") suppliers and suppliers of the Group. EIK expects its suppliers (and their subcontractors) to be committed to ethical standards and business practices compatible with those of the Group when providing products and/or services to EIK.

Suppliers are required to comply with this code, and we expect that suppliers make their subcontractors aware of this code.

Suppliers are expected to report to EIK any identified violations of this Code of Conduct.


All suppliers to EIK are expected to conduct its business operations in an ethical manner by maintaining a culture of integrity, transparency, openness and compliance.

All suppliers to EIK shall comply with all applicable local and national laws, rules and regulations and requirements in the provision of products and/or services manufactured or provided to Eik.


EIK is committed to protect and respect the fundamental human rights of anyone affected by our operations. EIK expects its suppliers and, business partners and other parties directly linked to its business to be equally committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights and to undertake human rights due diligence processes as in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Suppliers shall respect the rights of workers to associate or not to associate with any group as permitted by and in accordance with all applicable local and national laws and freedom of association and collective bargaining. Suppliers shall not interfere with or discriminate against workers choosing to take part in such free associations and collective bargaining. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under national law suppliers will facilitate, not hinder, alternative means of independent and free association and bargaining.

2.1 Underage labour

Suppliers shall ensure that no underage labour has been used in the production or distribution of goods and services to EIK. A child is any person under the minimum employment age according to the laws of the country

where the product (or parts of) or services are sourced from, or in the absence of law under the minimum age for completed mandatory education.

2.2 Forced labour and wages

Suppliers will not use or tolerate in their supply chain any form of slavery, servitude, indentured, bonded, involuntary, military or compulsory labour or any form of human trafficking.

All work must be conducted voluntarily and without threat of any penalty or sanctions. No employee government issued identification, passports or work permits shall be retained by the supplier as a condition of employment.

Workers’ rights to leave their workplace after their shift or to terminate their employment after reasonable notice and receive owed salary must be recognized by the supplier. This also applies to local or migrant employees.

Wages and benefits of the supplier’s employees and/or workers must meet legal minimums and industry standards without unauthorized deductions.

2.3 Working environment

EIK expects that all suppliers treat everyone with courtesy and respect, regardless of race, gender, national or social origin, disability, sexual orientation, religious belief etc. An inclusive and diverse work environment is encouraged with equal opportunities for all workers.

Suppliers must not discriminate against any employee based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership, national origin, marital or pregnancy status or any other relevant grounds during any hiring or other employment practices.

The supplier must provide safe and clean conditions for workers at sites of working and residential facilities. Clear procedures must be in place to ensure regulated occupational health safety and wellbeing standards are adhered to.

2.6. Health and Safety

Supplier shall recognize that in addition to minimizing the incidence of work-related injuries and illnesses, a safe and healthy working environment enhances the quality of products and services, consistency of production and worker retention and morale. Suppliers also recognize that ongoing worker input and education are essential to identifying and solving health and safety issues in the workplace.

Suppliers shall assess worker potential for exposure to health and safety hazards and mitigate these through relevant measures. Eik expects that suppliers have procedures in place to prevent, manage, track and report occupational injuries and illnesses, including provisions in place to encourage workers to report on possible endangering conditions.

2.4. Worker/Stakeholder engagement and access to remedy

EIK expects that suppliers have processes in place for ongoing two-way communication with workers, their representatives and other relevant stakeholders. They should have put in place accessible channels to raise

concerns, and make sure that their employees and workers are aware of these. Workers shall be given a safe environment to provide grievance and feedback without fear of reprisal or retaliation.

2.5. Protection of identity and Non-retaliation

Programs that ensure the confidentiality, anonymity, and protection of supplier and employee whistleblowers shall be maintained, unless prohibited by law. Suppliers shall have a communicated process for their personnel to be able to raise any concerns without fear of retaliation.


A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal relationships or interests could influence, or could be perceived to influence, the individual's decision making when acting for the supplier.

The supplier shall ensure that neither the company nor its directors and employees have any external positions or engagements that could represent a conflict of interest in relation to the supplier’s work for EIK.


All suppliers shall in relation to their activities with EIK and generally work against corruption in all its forms. Suppliers shall have a clear policy against all forms of corruption.

4.1 Gifts and hospitality

The supplier shall refrain from offering gifts or entertainment of any value to any employees of EIK to influence any business decisions. The supplier shall ensure that any gifts and entertainment offered to EIK`s employees are transparent and have a justifiable business rationale.


Suppliers are expected to be committed to operate in an environmentally responsible and efficient manner and comply with national and international laws and resolutions for the protection of the environment. Suppliers shall strive to minimize pollution, promoting and efficient and sustainable use of resources, including energy and water, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions in production and transport.


Suppliers are invited to report any area of concern to EIK. If suppliers identify possible violations of this Code of Conduct or adverse impacts that they either cause, contribute or are linked to, the supplier must immediately inform Eik and propose a plan to remedy the impact.


This code applies to all EIK’s suppliers.

Suppliers must be able to demonstrate compliance with the Eik supplier code of conduct. This includes documented evidence and right of Eik or a third party designated by Eik to conduct audits. Audits to include facility inspections, reviews of supplier’s records business practices and conducting employee interviews.

In case of breach of this Code of Conduct Eik may suspend or terminate the agreement with the supplier.


Any questions that suppliers may have regarding this code shall be addressed to the CEO of EIK. The code shall be communicated internally to Eik personnel and externally to all Suppliers.